Why train for Wedding Planner?
What a beautiful job it is to be a Wedding Planner… so glamorous, so fascinating … we often forget that it requires real skills.
We therefore try to forget that the fact of having organized our own wedding transforms us into inveterate Wedding Planner and we understand that this job requires real technical skills and real knowledge.
Training in the professions of Wedding Planner & Designer is essential to stand out in the wedding market. Training with solid foundations remains essential for success in the wedding market. It’s undeniable.
Today this job is found as one of the most attractive but also as one of the most overlooked professions.
The Wedding Planner must recognize talents, yes, real talents …. commercial, administrative, accountants, marketing and must master each profession that goes into the organization of a wedding. The planner must also master his speech in front of clients, vendors and guests. And finally, the Wedding Planner is most of the time a Business(wo)man. He will be in charge of all management responsibilities.
Change of life, retraining or improvement, this job deserves real respect.
Elodie Villemus offers you a unique & exclusive training experience and format. This is how all of the participants themselves define it: unexpected, incredible, a tsunami of emotions that reveals life!
An unexpected approach, awareness of the basics of the profession, rapid development. This is the goal: to bring you to the essential, with transparency, subtlety and 100% experience sharing.
Training in semi-immersion or total immersion to give power to each step taken.
See our details in Education thumbnail.